Attorney. Speaker. Entrepreneur
On a mission to make Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done for folks that God ain’t make straight.

Kim Daily is an award-winning trial attorney, viral public-speaker, and founder of The Qulture, a nationwide community known as heaven on earth for queer Black women.
A former BigLaw litigation attorney, Kim co-owns K&L Daily Law with her sister, who is also an attorney. Kim often jokes that she’s never lost a trial or a Twitter battle. Just kidding. She doesn’t have Twitter.
As a former ministry leader and later-in-life lesbian, Kim is dedicated to helping queer people reconcile their faith and sexuality so they can walk in freedom.
Kim lives in Houston, TX with her wife, Dr. Shaquinta Richardson, and their two dogs, Deacon and Bishop.
My Story
I remember the first time someone told me, "it's okay to be gay." I was 27 years old and had just successfully avoided yet another episode of Pitch on Fox—a show I wanted to watch, but didn’t—because I was *very* attracted to one of the female actors and I didn't want to "cause myself to stumble." (Gotta "flee from sin," ya know).
That night, my homegirl told me, "Kim. You're gay. And that's okay. You don't have to fight it anymore. It's okay to be gay."
I wish I could tell you that was my reckoning. That in that powerful moment, I wiped my tears, grabbed my rainbow cape out my closet, turned on Pitch, and set up a super gay dating profile.
But I didn't. Instead, I changed the topic, ended the conversation, and while staring at my blank TV, wondered what to do about the fact that The Devil™️ found a way to communicate with me through one of my friends.
After years of exchanging my truth for someone else's lie, I couldn't begin to imagine what a reconciled life looked like. Instead of believing it was "for freedom that Christ has set us free," I held on to the belief that my sexuality would forever be the thorn in my flesh, a constant reminder of my need for God's saving grace.
While that conversation didn't set me free, it did set me on the path to freedom. I spent years after that re-reading the Bible with fresh eyes. Studying queer, womanist, and liberation theologies. Talking to pastors, my therapist, seminary friends, and most importantly, God. I developed a fuller, more authentic faith — one in which I no longer fear hell™️, condemnation, or my true self.
This is the freedom I operate from. Though it was not given at birth, it is nevertheless my birthright. My mission on this earth is to set people free from outdated ways of being that center conformity over freedom.

My Background
Born and raised in Houston, Texas.
Grew up going to church every Sunday and playing competitive basketball.
Washington University in St. Louis
B.A. Political Science, African & African-American Studies
Favorite College Experience: Singing in Visions Gospel Choir
The University of Texas School of Law
J.D. 2015, Order of the Barristers (Top 10 Oral Advocates)
Best Advocate in the Nation (Runner-Up): Costello Mock Trial Competition
Best Brief: Frederick Douglass Regional Moot Court Competition
Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP
Former Associate Attorney
Winner, ESSY Award for Community Engagement: Promise of Justice Initiative’s Jim Crow Juries Project
Published in Law 360, Texas Lawyer, JD Supra, Eversheds Sutherland
Favorite Legal Memory: In my very first jury trial, I quoted the rapper Mystikal in my closing argument, won, and then was approached by the in-house counsel for the losing side who stated she wished she had hired me instead. I was a first-year lawyer,
“I feel God speaking in braille. That’s why my hope isn’t frail. It’s like the Prince of Egypt in me has been waiting to exhale.”